"Perennial herb (annual, biennial, subshrub), generally from rhizomes or stout, scaly caudex, generally glabrous; rosettes 0 or open to dense. Leaf: sessile, generally alternate, generally obovate to spoon-shaped. Inflorescence: terminal, generally raceme- to panicle-like. Flower: sepals, petals generally 5, free to fused at base, sepals < petals, obtuse to long-tapered; petals erect to spreading; stamens 8 or 10, in 2 whorls, epipetalous or not; pistils 4–5, free or fused below. Fruit: free or fused at base, erect or spreading. Seed: many, elliptic, often winged at both ends.
± 450 species: temps, tropical mountains, North America, Mexico, Central America, Europe, Asia, northern and eastern Africa, Atlantic islands, Indian Ocean islands; cultivated as ornamental, green roofs. (Latin: to assuage, from healing properties of houseleek, to which Sedum was sometimes applied) Sedum roseum moved to Rhodiola.
Unabridged references: [Denton 1982 Brittonia 34:48–77]" [Jepson]
Species Mentioned:S. divergens. S. rosea, Sedum sp. including; S. oregona, S. divergens, S. spathulifolium. Sedum Spp. [????]
"Some people have been known to experience nausea or headaches from overingestion of Sedums. Eat in moderation, especially if you have a tendency toward allergies." [????]
"We advise they be taken in moderate amounts, especially if the leaves are mature, as one of us reported a slight nausea upon consuming a rather large quantity of the yellow stonecrop."[????]"All members of this genus are said to have edible leaves, though those species that have yellow flowers can cause stomach upsets if they are eaten in quantity[62, 85]." [PFAF]
S. divergens, S. oreganum, S forsterianum, S. spathulifolium, S. stenopetalum; "Although not poisonous, if large quantities of this plant are eaten it can cause a stomach upset [62, 85]." [PFAF]
Cyanogenic Glycoside: "Sedum sarmentosum[ThePlantList] Contains a cyanogenetic glycoside,
sarmentosin which is reported to lower SGPT levels in chronic viral
hepatitis." [HPEP]
Edible Uses
"Add young, tender roseroot and stonecrop leaves to salads, coleslaws, soups, and casseroles. When beach camping, I've served Roseroot Omelette for breakfast. Spring. Best before flowering occurs. High in Vitamins A and C. Steamed as a potherb."[????]
"The stonecrops can be listed as providing acceptable food when the parts are young. They should be valuable in an emergency since they can be eaten raw to allay hunger and thirst. Any species of stonecrop should be tried carefully if the parts are young and tender."[????]
S. album; "Leaves - raw or cooked[2, 46, 52, 100]. Usually eaten as a pickle[4], though it can also be added to salads or cooked with other leafy vegetables[244]." [PFAF]
S. divergens; "Leaves - raw or cooked[172, 177]. The leaves are very small and round, looking rather like a small green berry[256]. They have a crisp texture and were valued as a food by some North American Indian tribes who would eat them raw[256]." [PFAF] Regarded as berries. Eaten by some B.C. groups.
S. forsterianum; "Leaves - raw or cooked[2, 46, 105, 115]." [PFAF]
S. lanceolatum; "Leaves - raw or cooked[60]." [PFAF]
S. oreganum; "Leaves and young shoots - raw or cooked[60, 177, 256]." [PFAF]
S. spathulifolium; "Leaves - raw or cooked. They are best used before the plant flowers[172]." [PFAF]
S. stenopetalum; "The common yellow-flowered stonecrop (S. stenopetalum) has no record of edibility, but we tested it out raw and cooked, finding it as good or even a little better than the others." [????]
S. divergens; "Leafy stems gathered in spring before coming into bloom, or in the fall. eaten raw with grease. Tart. They are slightly tart (due to the presence of oxalic acid), but drinking water after eating them is said to leave a pleasant taste in the mouth.[????]
S. oreganum; "was called by the same name by Nuxalk people, and may have been eaten by them. [????]
Medicinal Uses
S. divergens; "The plant has been used in the treatment of piles and has been given to children as a laxative[257]." [PFAF]
S. lanceolatum;
Birthing Aid: "An infusion of the stems, leaves and flowers has been taken to clean out the womb after childbirth[257]." [PFAF]
S. spathulifolium; "A decoction of the whole plant has been given to children as a treatment for constipation and has been used as a wash to soothe nervous and irritable babies[257]." "The plant is used as a treatment for sore gums[257]." [PFAF]
S. stenopetalum; "An infusion of the whole plant has been used in the treatment of venereal diseases[257]." [PFAF]
Flowers: Used in medicinal teas. [????]
S. divergens; "Chewed as a mouth freshener after taking fish-grease laxative. Chewed raw as a cough medicine."[????]
S. spathulifolium; Birthing Aid: "A decoction of the stems has been drunk by a woman in the ninth month of her pregnancy in order to ease childbirth[257]." [PFAF]
S. album; Leaves used to treat earache [Ivanova PFHD] "The leaves and stems are applied externally as a poultice to inflammations and are especially recommended for treating painful haemorrhoids[4, 244]." [PFAF]
S. divergens; Eaten to induce lactation in nursing mothers.Topical: In China, fleshy Sedum leaves are used in the same manner as aloe vera, i.e., as an application for burns and skin eruptions.
S. spathulifolium; "The leaves are antihaemorrhoidal, galactogogue and haemostatic[257]. The leaves can be eaten, or a poultice of the warmed leaves applied to the breasts, in order to stimulate the milk flow of a nursing mother[257]." [PFAF]
S. spathulifolium; Styptic: "The juice of the leaves and stems has been rubbed over bleeding wounds to stop the bleeding[257]." [PFAF]
"In Chinese Medicinal Herbs, Li Shih-chen reports the Chinese planted various Sedum species in flowerpots, and placed them on rooftops in the belief they would protect homes from fire. They also believed the herb prevented famine, thus they cultivated it around their yards on stone walls and rocky outcrops." [????]
"Friendly, easy to grow, good natured, and tidy are all adjectives bestowed on the stone- crops by author Lewis Clark. These well- groomed plants are members of the Sedum genus. The name Sedum comes from the Latin sedio, meaning "to sit," and aptly describes the plants' habit of precariously perching on stony cliffs and bare rock ridges in a thimbleful of sand, rather than rooting deeply into the habit- able earth."[????]
Uses of Related Sp.
Our related species, S. rhodanthum, commonly called "queen's crown" (see figure) has rose-colored flowers- clustered in a terminal head. We have eaten the leaves both raw and boiled for 15 minutes, finding them very acceptable when taken young.
Sedum Sp - Diuretic: traditionally used to increase urination [Ramzan PESR]
S. spectabile - (2/3 confidence accepted name) [ThePlantList]; (Ice Plant) - Edible - Leaves & Shoots - "Ice plant is a useful salad plant, with succulent leaves and a mild, fresh, slightly peppery
flavour. It is best used as bulk in green salads and can be used to give balance when used
with strong-flavoured ingredients." [Crawford FFFG]
S. anglicum - (2/3 confidence accepted name) [ThePlantList]; Veterinary Aid: Used to treat swellings on horses when combined with Senecio Vulgaris[MPFT]
Nicotine has been found in Sedum acre, S. album and S. telephium [Bajaj Maps 2]
"Yang et al. [112] found that Sedum
alfredii Hance collected at a metal-rich mine waste area in China hyperaccumulated Cd
and Zn and did physiological research on this species. It is difficult to obtain seeds from
S. alfredii, but the growth form is taller than T. caerulescens, and the plant tolerates
semitropical climate. Deng et al. [113] found considerable genetic variation in metal
accumulation and tolerance by S. alfredii (from 1.1 to 1051 mg Cd kg1 shoot biomass),
so there may be hope of developing a higher biomass Cd hyperaccumulator S. alfredii. Xu
et al. [114] found that another Sedum species, Sedum jinianum, may also be able to
phytoextract Cd from tropical soils. Sedum lacks the exceptional Cd accumulation of the
southern France ecotypes of T. caerulescens, but they can grow in tropical environments." [Hooda TES]
"Although phytochelatins appear to
be mainly responsible for modulating a cadmium-phytotoxicity response of plants,
a recent study suggests that in the cadmium hyper-accumulating Sedum alfredii
plant, cadmium leads to a greater accumulation of glutathione (GSH) rather than
phytochelatins—the activity of which is consistent with GSH accumulation (Sun
et al., 2007)." [Lichtfouse OF]
Cultivation & Propagation
"Stress tolerators are most common in low-productivity environments with low disturbance, such as
rock outcrops. Stress tolerators are long-lived, slow-growing plants that flower infrequently and have a
variety of mechanisms to reduce their palatability to herbivores. Sedum and olives are stress tolerators." [Beck PELD]
Journals of Interest
Blanusa T, Monteiro MMV, Fantozzi F, Vysini E, Li Y, Cameron RW. Alternatives to Sedum on
green roofs: can broad leaf perennial plants offer better ‘cooling service’? Build Environ.
Stevens JF, t'Hart H, Block A (1994) Epicuticular wax composition of some European Sedum
species. Phytochemistry 35(2):389-399
Gill S, Raszeja W, Szynkiewicz G (1979) Occurrence of nicotine in some species of the genus
Sedum. Farmacja Polska 35:151–153
Gupta DK, Huang HG, Yang XE, Razafindrabe BHN, Inouhe M (2010) The detoxification of
lead in Sedum alfredii H. is not related with phytochelatins but the glutathione. J Hazard
Mater 177:437–444.
Sedum acre - goldmoss stonecrop
"Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Stonecrop) — Not covered (AHP). “Hazards
and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Not to be used in cases of
GI or urinary inflammation (PH2). LD50 of alkaloid mix 50 mg/kg ipr mus (HH2)." [HMH Duke]
"Poisonous[19]? The sap can irritate the skin of some people[76]. Other reports suggest that no members of this genus are poisonous[62, 85].
The flowers are yellow which suggests that in quantity the leaves can cause stomach upsets." [PFAF]
Food Use
"Some stonecrops are better tasting than others. S. acre, for example, is too acid to
be very palatable." [Kirk WEP] "Leaves - raw or cooked[13, 100]. Rich in vitamin C, but it has a bitter acrid taste[1, 244].
The main interest in the edible qualities of this plant is as a survival food, since it grows wild in the driest deserts as well as in arctic conditions[244].
Large quantities can cause stomach upsets[19]. It is best to dry the leaves (which can be difficult because they are very fleshy) and then powder them and use them to
add a peppery taste to foods[244]. The leaves are dried and ground into a powder to make a spicy seasoning[183]." [PFAF]
Medicinal Use
"It is considered to be a useful medicinal plant by some herbalists, though others do not use it because of the violence of its
operation when taken internally[4, 7]. One of its best uses is as an effective and harmless corn-remover, it can also be used to bring
boils to a head, though this can also cause some local irritation[7]. The bruised fresh plant is applied as a poultice to wounds and minor
burns[9], though some care should be exercised because the plant can cause blisters or skin irritations[244]. The herb is difficult to dry
and so is best used when fresh, it can be gathered at any time during the spring and summer[7]." [PFAF]
"A homeopathic remedy is made from the plant[9]. It is used in the treatment of piles and anal irritations[9]." [PFAF]
Juice: "The juice of Sedum acre has been
more recently used in Norfolk to
treat dermatitis55 and has served
in the past in Cardiganshire as an
ointment for shingles.56" [MPFT]
Decoction?: "In Ireland a decoction of a
plant known simply as stonecrop
... has been recorded
... as a remedy for ridding the system of worms. It has also been valued in
Westmeath for kidney trouble.60" [MPFT]
"Dosages (Stonecrop) — 1 g powdered herb/day (MAD); 3 g/day (PH2); 1 tsp/cup water (PH2)." [HMH Duke]
"The herb is astringent, hypotensive, laxative, rubefacient, vermifuge and vulnerary[4, 7, 9, 13, 46]." [PFAF]
such as... or
sedamine from Sedum acre (Crassulaceae), are products
from further N-methylation and/or carbonyl reduction
reactions" [MNP Dewick]
Cultivation & Propagation
"A very easily grown plant, it succeeds in most soils[188] but prefers a sunny position in a fertile well-drained soil[200]. Established plants
are drought tolerant[190]. Grows well on walls[190]. Plants can be very aggressive and invasive, spreading freely at the roots[200]. If clearing
the plant from an area it is quite important to try and remove every part of the plant since even a small part of the stem, if left in the ground,
can form roots and develop into a new plant[200]. All members of this genus are said to have edible leaves, though those species, such as this
one, that have yellow flowers can cause stomach upsets if they are eaten in quantity[62, 85]. Plants in this genus seem to be immune to the
predations of rabbits[233]." [PFAF]
"Seed - surface sow in spring in well-drained soil in a sunny position in a greenhouse. Do not allow the soil to dry out. It can also be sown in the autumn in a cold frame, some seed
germinates immediately whilst others germinate in the spring. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when they are large enough to handle.
If sufficient growth is made, it is possible to plant them out during the summer, otherwise keep them in a cold-frame or greenhouse for their
first winter and plant them out in early summer of the following year[K]. Division is very easy and can be carried out at almost any time in the
growing season, though is probably best done in spring or early summer. Larger divisions can be planted out direct into their permanent positions.
We have found it best to pot up the smaller divisions and grow them on in a lightly shaded position in a cold frame, planting them out once they
are well established in the summer" [PFAF]
Sedum album - white stonecrop
"Status: Exotic" [E-flora]
"The plant spreads aggressively and can be used for ground cover in a sunny position amongst plants tall enough not to be overrun by it. It is best planted about 45cm apart each way[208]. Strong growing bulbs such as some lilies will grow happily through this ground cover[K]." [PFAF]
Sedum divergens - Spreading stonecrop
"Perennial herb from a rooting rhizome or stem; mat-forming; stems ascending to erect, branched above, freely rooting, 5-15 cm tall, glabrous." [IFBC-E-flora]
"Stem leaves opposite or nearly so, finely hairy, succulent, oval to broadly egg-shaped, mostly 4-8 mm long on sterile shoots, more oblong on flowering stems." [IFBC-E-flora]
"Inflorescence of tight, terminal, umbrella-shaped clusters with leafy bracts; petals 5, yellow; stamens slightly shorter than the petals." [IFBC-E-flora]
"Follicles, basally fused for 1.5-2 mm then strongly spreading, cream coloured." [IFBC-E-flora]
Additional Notes: "Foliage looks like little copper-red pearls or maybe jelly beans. Yellow flowers in summer. A native, evergreen stonecrop." [E-flora-1]
Origin Status: Native [E-flora]
Habitat / Range:
"Dry rocky cliffs and talus slopes from the lowland to alpine zones; frequent in and W of the Coast-Cascade Mountains, infrequent elsewhere; S to OR." [IFBC-E-flora]
Amerosedum divergens (S. Watson) A. Löve & D. Löve . [E-flora]
Sedum lanceolatum - lance-leaved stonecrop
"Habitat/Range: " Mesic to dry coastal bluffs, rocky slopes, rock outcrops and talus slopes in all zones except the alpine zone; var. lanceolatum - common throughout BC, var. nesioticum - infrequent; absent from the Queen Charlotte Islands and adjacent coast; N to YT, E to S SK, and S to NE, CO, NM and CA. "" [IFBC-E-flora]
"Status: Native" [E-flora]
Sedum oreganum - Oregon stonecrop
"General: Perennial herb from a stout rhizome; stems ascending, several, branched above, 6-15 cm tall, glabrous and glaucous." [IFBC-E-flora]
"Leaves: Stem leaves alternate, crowded and rosette-forming on the sterile shoots, overlapping on the flowering stems, egg- to spoon-shaped, 20-30 mm long, 6-12 mm wide, strongly flattened, broadest above the midlength and tapered to the base, gree
"Flowers: Inflorescence of terminal, umbrella-shaped clusters; petals 5, yellow becoming pinkish with maturity, petals pointed, longer than the stamens, (8) 10-13 mm long, narrowly lanceolate and long-pointed. " [IFBC-E-flora]
"Fruits: Follicles, erect and only very slightly fused at the base. " [IFBC-E-flora]
"Habitat/Range: Mesic to dry rocky cliffs and talus slopes in the lowland and montane zones; common in SW BC; N to AK and S to CA. " [IFBC-E-flora]
"Status: Native" [E-flora]
Sedum spathulifolium - broad-leaved stonecrop
"General: Perennial herb from a stout rhizome and rootstock; stems ascending to erect, several, branched above, 5-22 cm tall, glabrous and glaucous." [IFBC-E-flora]
"Leaves: Basal leaves in a rosette; stem leaves alternate, oblong to spoon-shaped or wedge-shaped, 0.5-2.5 cm long, succulent, flattened, broadest above the midlength and tapered to the base, strongly crowded, pale green to reddish in full sun, glaucous." [IFBC-E-flora]
"Flowers: Inflorescence of terminal, flat-topped umbrella-shaped clusters; petals 5, bright yellow, 7-10 mm long, narrowly oblong-lanceolate but not long-pointed. " [IFBC-E-flora]
"Fruits: Follicles, erect but strongly spreading. " [IFBC-E-flora]
"Habitat/Range: Mesic coastal cliffs and forest openings in the lowland and montane zones; common in SW BC, known only from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands; S to CA. " [IFBC-E-flora]
"Ecological Indicator Information: A very shade-intolerant, submontane to subalpine, Western North American forb distributed more in the Pacific than the Cordilleran region. Occurs in maritime to submaritime summer-dry cool mesothermal climates on excessively dry to very dry, nitrogem-poor soils; its occurrence decreases with increasing precipitation and continentality. Sparse to sporadic in non-forested communities on very shallow, water-shedding sites (rock outcrops and cliffs). Characteristic of moisture-deficient sites. " [IPBC-E-flora]
"Status: Native" [E-flora]
Sedum stenopetalum - worm-leaved stonecrop
"Habitat/Range: Mesic to dry rocky cliffs, talus slopes and meadows from the lowland and steppe to subalpine zones; frequent in S BC, rare northward to 57degreeN in NE BC; E to SW AB and S to MT and CA. " [IFBC-E-flora]
"Status: Native" [E-flora]
[E-flora] In Klinkenberg, Brian. (Editor) 2017. E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Plants of British Columbia [eflora.bc.ca]. Lab for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. [Accessed: 16/03/2019]