"Hypericum perforatum is a PERENNIAL growing to 0.9 m (3ft) by 0.6 m (2ft in).
It is hardy to zone (UK) 3. It is in flower from May to August, and the seeds ripen from Jul to September. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Bees, flies, self.The plant is self-fertile."
"Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It prefers moist soil." [PFAF]
General: Perennial herb from a rhizome; stems erect, much branched above, glabrous, 0.1-1.0 m tall. [IFBC-E-flora]
Leaves: Stem leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, unstalked, obtuse, 1-3 cm long, 0.5-1.5 mm wide, glabrous with translucent glandular dots throughout and black marginal dots. [IFBC-E-flora]
Flowers: Inflorescence up to 100+ flowered; petals yellow, 8-10 mm long; sepals linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, abruptly sharp-pointed, 4-6 mm long; stamens 75-100, united basally into 3 groups; styles 3. [IFBC-E-flora]
Fruits: Membranous capsules, 5-8 mm long; seeds dark brownish, 1.0-1.3 mm long, pitted in longitudinal rows. [IFBC-E-flora]
Habitat/Range: Mesic to dry fields, roadsides and disturbed areas in the lowland, steppe and montane zones; infrequent in SW and WC BC, frequent in SC BC; introduced from Eurasia. [IFBC-E-flora]
Status: Exotic [E-flora]
"Common side-effects are gastointestinal disturbances, allergic reactions & fatigue." "Use the plant with caution and do not prescribe it for patients with chronic depression[238]." "The plant was used to procure an abortion by some native North Americans, so it is best not used by pregnant women[257]. See also the notes above on toxicity[21, 222]." [PFAF]
Photosensitization: "Skin contact with the sap, or ingestion of the plant, can cause photosensitivity in some people[13, 76, 222]." [PFAF] "Potential adverse effects of dermal application may be irritation/sensitization and unwanted photosensitization, although clinical data available suggests that the risk is relatively low." [PlantMed] "Photosensitization may occur in lightsensitive individuals (32)." [WHO] "Delayed hypersensitivity or photodermatosis has been documented for St. John’s-wort, following the ingestion of a herbal tea made from the leaves” (CAN)." [HMH Duke]
"While SJW exerts antioxidant action, it also contains components which can cause phototoxic cell damage. Onoue et al. [45] investigated 19 constituents from SJW and found that many of them are able to undergo photochemical reactions and produce reactive oxygen species, but only hypericin, pseudohypericin, and hyperforin caused lipid peroxidation, and none caused DNA strand breaks. Photoirritant potential of SJW is mainly attributable to the hypericins which absorb UVA at 300 nm and visible light in the range from 550 to 590 nm." [PlantMed]
Drug Interactions: "If used with drugs classed as serotonin reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine:Prozac, paroxetine:Paxil) symptoms of serotonin syndrome may occur: mental confusion, hallucinations, agitation, headache, coma, shivering, sweating, fever, hypertension, tachycardia, nausea, diarrheoa, tremors. St John's wort can reduce the effectiveness of prescription medicine inc: contraceptive pill, antidepressants, immune suppressants, HIV medications, warfarin, digoxin [301]." [PFAF]
"Hypericum, in part, functions as [a Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor], similar to Prozac and Paxil. Because of this, hypercium should not be taken with a MAOI such as Nardil, Parnate, or Marplan. This information has not been based on clinical studies of hypercium, but on the medical information known about prescription [SSRI drugs] and [MAOI drugs]. Research has shown that [MAOI drugs] and [SSRI drugs] do not mix successfully." "When administered together, central serotonin syndrome (CSS) can occur, subjecting persons to any number of severe reactions such as dangerous fluctuations in pulse and blood pressure, confusion, rapid pulse, sweating, and disturbed consciousness, which can ultimately result in coma or death (KNISHINSKY 1998)." [AyahuascaAnalogues]
MAOI — "Although there is poor documentation, concomitant administration of St. John's Wort and a MAOI , such as tranylcypromine, phenelzine, may lead to increased effects and possible toxicity (hypertensive crisis) See~Contraindications (Hoelzl & Ostrowski, 1986; Mueller & Schaefer, 1996; Suzuki, 1984). It is prudent to avoid concomitant use with beta-sympathomimetic amines, e.g., ma huang or pseudoephedrine (Miller, 1998)." "St. John's Wort contains some weak monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) properties that may add to the effects of other MAOI drugs, therefore theoretically increasing the risk for hypertensive crisis (Hoelzl & Ostrowski, 1986; Muller & Schaefer, 1996; Suzuki, 1984)." [PDR]
SSRFs — "St. John's Wort taken concomitantly with an SSRI, such as fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, fluvoxamine or citalopram, may lead to an increased effect and possible toxicity "serotonin syndrome", e.g., sweating, tremor, flushing, confusion and agitation. St. John's Wort has slight serotonin reuptake properties. A case report suggests that coadministration of St. John's Wort with paroxetine has resulted in a clinical syndrome resembling a sedative/hypnotic intoxication (Gordon, 1998)." [PDR]
"Tannic acids present in St. John's Wort may inhibit the absorption of iron (Miller, 1998)." [PDR] "The tannin content of the drug can lead to digestive complaints, such as feeling of fullness or constipation." [PDR]
"Concomitant use with other photosensitizers, such as tetracyclines, sulfonamides, thiazides, quinolones, piroxicam and others should be avoided (Miller, 1998)." [PDR]
"Hypericum extract has been reported to significantly prolong narcotic-induced sleeping times and to antagonize the effects of reserpine (Okpanyi, 1987)." [PDR]
Other Contraindications:
Pregnancy: "In view of the lack of toxicity data, St. John’s wort should not be used during pregnancy and lactation." [Barnes,2001] "Because of slight uterine activity in vitro, its use in pregnancy and lactation is to be avoided (CAN)." [HMH Duke]
"Contraindicated in cases of known allergy to plants of the Clusiaceae family." [WHO]
"As with other antidepressant drugs, observation of the therapeutic effects may require 2–4 weeks of therapy. If a significant antidepressant effect is not observed after 6 weeks of treatment, a physician should be consulted." [WHO]
"Topical medicines
and non-psychotropic medicines that are excreted renally are not likely to interact with St John’s wort. Also,
topical or homoeopathic preparations of St John’s wort
are not likely to interact with prescribed medicines." [Barnes,2001]
Edible Uses
Herb & Fruit: Sometimes used as a tea substitute[7, 183]. [PFAF]
Dye: "Yellow, gold and brown dyes are obtained from the flowers and leaves[168]. A red is obtained from the flowers after acidification[141]. A red dye is obtained from the whole plant when infused in oil or alcohol[7, 61, 115PFAF]. A yellow is obtained when it is infused in water[7, 74, 115]." [PFAF]
Tannin: "The plant is said to contain good quantities of tannin, though exact figures are not available[223]." [PFAF]
Medicinal Uses
"St. John's Wort has a long history of herbal use. It fell out of favour in the nineteenth century but recent research has brought it back to prominence as an extremely valuable remedy for nervous problems [254]. In clinical trials about 67% of patients with mild to moderate depression improved when taking this plant[254]." [PFAF]
Herb: "Used in treating a wide range of disorders, including pulmonary complaints, bladder problems, diarrhoea and nervous depression[4]. It is also very effectual in treating overnight incontinence of urine in children[4]." [PFAF]
"Internally, the drug is used for psychovegetative disturbances, depressive moods, anxiety and nervous unrest." [PDR]
"Externally, it is used in poultices to dispel herd tumours, caked breasts, bruising etc[4]." [PFAF] "Externally, the oily Hypericum preparations are used for treatment and post-therapy of acute and contused injuries and for first-degree burns." [PDR]
Flowering Shoots: Harvested in early summer and dried for later use[7]. [PFAF]
Flowers: A tea or tincture of the fresh flowers is a popular treatment for external ulcers, burns, wounds (especially those with severed nerve tissue), sores, bruises, cramps etc[222, 238]. An infusion of the flowers in olive oil is applied externally to wounds, sores, ulcers, swellings, rheumatism etc[240]. It is also valued in the treatment of sunburn and as a cosmetic preparation to the skin[240]. [PFAF]
Homeopathy: A homeopathic remedy is made from the fresh whole flowering plant[232]. It is used in the treatment of injuries, bites, stings etc and is said to be the first remedy to consider when nerve-rich areas such as the spine, eyes, fingers etc are injured[232]. [PFAF] "Homeopathic Uses: The herb has been used for treatment of peripheral and central nervous system injuries, depressive moods, asthma and cerebral-vascular calcification." [PDR]
Plant: "Herba Hyperici consists of the dried flowering tops or aerial parts of Hypericum perforatum." [WHO SMPV.2] "The medicinal parts include the fresh buds and flowers separated from the inflorescences, the aerial parts collected during the flowering season and dried, and the entire fresh flowering plant." [PDR]
"Symptomatic treatment of mild and moderate depressive episodes" [WHO SMPV.2]
"Externally for the treatment of minor cuts, burns and skin ulcers (8, 32). Topically for viral infections (33)." [WHO SMPV.2]
"As an antiphlogistic agent in the treatment of inflammation of the bronchi and urogenital tract; treatment of biliary disorders, bladder irritation, the common cold, diabetes mellitus, dyspepsia, haemorrhoids, neuralgia, migraine headaches, sciatica and ulcers (5, 8). Also used as a diuretic, an emmenagogue and an antimalarial agent (5, 8)." [WHO SMPV.2]
Antidepressant: "Its main antidepressant use, as Michael Moore observes, is primarily for people whose life has fallen apart and who are having difficulty dealing with it. Depression from such a major life shift is common, and the herb can help until innate resources come back on line. It is remarkably effective for this. Additionally, though it is not thought to be as effective in other depressive conditions, I used it for a decade with good success in my own clinical psychotherapy practice for people whom conventional psychiatric physicians expected to be medicated for life." [Buhner SHHB] "For depressive moods, it is recommended the herb be administered for the duration of 4 to 6 weeks; if no improvement is apparent, a different therapy should be initiated." [PDR]
"Dried crude drug for decoction, powdered drug or extracts in capsules, tablets, tinctures and drops (2, 7, 32). Topical preparations include the oil, infusions, compresses, gels and ointments. Store in a well-closed container, protected from light (10, 11)." [WHO SMPV.2]
Daily dosage: 2–4g crude drug (32).
Internal use: "standardized tinctures or fluid extracts (23, 98, 100), or standardized hydroethanolic or dried hydromethanolic extracts, up to a daily dose of 900mg extract (equivalent to 0.2–2.7 mg total hypericin) (19, 21, 22, 27, 31)." [WHO SMPV.2]
Chinese Medicinal Use: "Soothing liver qi stagnation, clearing heat and promoting diuresis, relieving swelling, and promoting lactation. Treat liver qi stagnation, gloomy and depressed mood, joint swelling and pain, acute mastitis and hypogalactia (Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission 2010)." [Grosso HMD] "Chinese Medicine: In a gargle solution, the herb is used externally for tonsillitis. The herb is also administered externally as a lotion for dermatoses." [PDR]
Seeds: "The seeds of Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John’s wort) were to be cooked and the broth drunk for 40 days to ease pains of the hip (Bo.; Fu.; Matt.; Lon.; Tab.)." [Adams et al., 2009]
Herbal Liquor: " Lon. recommends drinking wine containing the dried and pulverised herb against gout in the feet." [Adams et al., 2009]
Further Medicinal Usage
Approved by Commission E for:
• Anxiety
• Depressive moods
• Inflammation of the skin
• Blunt injuries
• Wounds and burns [PDR]
Characteristics: The flowers release an odorless red juice when squeezed, which tastes weakly bitter and irritating. [PDR]
Production: St. John's Wort consists of the dried aboveground parts of Hypericum perforatum gathered during flowering season. The herb is cut at the start of the flowering season and dried quickly in bunches in order'to preserve the oil and secreted contents. [PDR]
Preparation: "All antidepressant medications made from SJW are based on alcoholic extracts, generally with an herb-to-extract ratio in the range of 4:1 to 7:1. So far, the only clinical proof of therapeutic efficacy for depression and other symptoms has been furnished for products that use methanol or ethanol as the solvent. Evidence to date shows that the highest yield of key constituents is obtained by extracting the dried herb with aqueous methanol containing 20-40 % water. The extraction must be performed in darkness with temperatures raised only briefly to 6o-8o°C (Niesel, 1992; Wagner and Bladt, 1993)" [Schulz RP]
"Tinctures extracted with ethanol (45–50 %, drug : extract ratios 1 : 5–10) are mentioned in the literature as traditional topical medicines, but details on their contents in active constituents as well as experimental data are missing [12]. Analyses of hydroalcoholic extracts from SJW revealed that at least 60 % of ethanol concentrations are needed to obtain high yields of the very lipophilic hyperforin; with absolute ethanol, hyperforin extraction is maximal but hydrophilic components like flavonoids are greatly reduced [13]."[PlantMed] "To prepare an infusion, use 2 teaspoonfuls of drug in 150 ml boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Daily Dosage: In general, a range of 200 to 1000 micrograms/day of hypericin is recommended for treatment of depression (Anon, 1996). Total hypericin concentrations of Hypericum extracts may vary widely, therefore caution should be taken in determining dosage" [PDR]
Storage: "Store at room temperature, away from heat, moisture and direct light. Hyperici oleum has a limited shelf life. One study showed that a sample containing 62 milligrams of hyperforin (the active ingredient in the oil) contained no hypericin in 14 days. If sunlight is not used to prepare the oil, then the breakdown is slower, but still less than 30 days. Various oil preparation methods have been descibed, including one with eutanol G, which showed stability for 6 months. Researchers evaluated 6 commercial samples of oil of Hypericum containing 2.2 to 20.8 milligrams/deciliter. All hyperforin was gone by the end of five weeks (Maisenbacher, 1992)." "The activity of the topical preparations is based on the hyperforin content, which is highly variable depending on the method of oil preparation. The preparation may be stable for a few weeks up to 6 months. (Maisenbacher & Kovar, 1992)" [PDR]
"The safety and efficacy of oral administration of Herba Hyperici has been assessed in more than 5000 patients in numerous case reports and studies (22, 23, 31, 98). In a drug-monitoring study involving 3250 patients, 49% were assessed as being mildly depressed, 46% as moderately depressed and 3% as severely depressed at the beginning of the trial. The patients were treated with 300mg of a dried 80% methanol extract of the herb three times daily, and evaluated after 2 and 4 weeks of therapy. After treatment, 80% of patients had improved or were symptom-free, while 13–16% remained unchanged or were worse. Minor adverse reactions were reported in 2.4% of patients (31)." [WHO SMPV.2]
"A postmarketing trial was performed with 2404 patients with symptoms of mild to moderate depression who were treated with 2–4 capsules of an ethanol extract of the herb (equivalent to 0.6–1.8mg total hypericin) daily for 4–6 weeks. Symptomatic improvement was evaluated as good to very good in 77% of patients and satisfactory in 15% (99)." [WHO SMPV.2]
Dosages (Depression)
Dried herb — 2 to 4 grams taken 3 times daily [PDR]
Tea — St. John's Wort as a tea is the traditional method of administration, with a single dose of 2-3 grams dried herb placed in boiling water. If dried herb of 2 grams is used, and the dried herb to extract ratio is 6, a usual dose of the extract .- would be 300 milligrams (Schultz, 1997).[PDR]
Liquid extract 1:1 in 25% ethanol — 2 to 4 milliliters taken 3 times daily [PDR]
Tincture: (1:10) in 45% ethanol — 2 to 4 milliliters, 3 times a day [PDR]
Homeopathic Dosage: The daily dosage for homeopathic indications is 5 drops, 1 tablet or 1 0 globules every 30 to 60 minutes for acute therapy, and 1 to 3 times daily for chronic use. Parenterally, 1 to 2 ml subcutaneously administered three times daily for acute therapy and once daily for chronic therapy. The ointment is applied 1 to 2 times daily for acute and chronic use (HAB1). [PDR]
"A study reported that HIV-positive patients treated with oral hypericin 0.05 mg kg−1 for 28 days developed mild symptoms of photosensitivity on exposure to sunlight, and that two patients developed intolerable symptoms of photosensitivity when the dose was increased to 0.16 mg kg−1 (Pitisuttithum et al 1996)." [Barnes,2001]
"In a dose escalating study involving 30 HIV-infected patients treated with oral (0.5 mg kg−1 daily) or intravenous hypericin (starting dosage: 0.25 mg kg−1 twice or three times weekly),16 patients discontinued treatment before completing 8 weeks of therapy because of moderate or severe phototoxicity; severe cutaneous phototoxicity was observed in 11 of 23 evaluable patients (Gulick et al 1999)." [Barnes,2001]
"The plant contains many biologically active compounds including rutin, pectin, choline, sitosterol, hypericin and pseudohypericin[222PFAF]. These last two compounds have been shown to have potent anti-retroviral activity without serious side effects and they are being researched in the treatment of AIDS[222, 238]." [PFAF]
"Anthracene derivatives (0.1-0.15%): favoring naphthodianthrones, especially hypericin, pseudohypericin". [PDR] "Hypericin, pseudohypericin, and isohypericin; protohypericin, and protopseudohypericin (biosynthetic precursors of hypericin and pseudohypericin, respectively) are present in fresh material. Cyclopseudohypericin is also stated to be present. Hypericin content (around 0.1 to 0.15%) is taken to include both hypericin and pseudohypericin (Vanhaelen & Vanhaelen-Fastre 1983) and is sometimes referred to as ‘total hypericins'." [Barnes,2001] 0.05–0.30% naphthodianthrones (hypericin, pseudohypericin, hyperforin, adhyperforin) [WHO SMPV.2]
"Flavonoids (2-4%): in particular hyperoside, quercitrin, rutin, isoquercitrin, and also biflavonolids including amentoflavone." [PDR][WHO SMPV.2] "Concentrations of rutin, hyperoside, and isoquercitrin have been reported as 1.6%, 0.9%, and 0.3%, respectively (Dorossiev 1985)." [Barnes,2001]
Acylphloroglucinols: hyperforin with small quantities of adhhyperforin. [PDR] "Hyperforin (2.0 to 4.5%), adhyperforin (0.2 to 1.9%) (Brondzetal1982;Ollivieretal1985;Ayuga&Rebuelta 1986; American Herbal Pharmacopeia 1997), oxygenated analogues of hyperforin (Trifunovic et al 1998; Verotta et al 1999, 2000)." [Barnes,2001]
Volatile oil: "chief components aliphatic hydrocarbons, including, among others, 2- methyloctane, undecane, furthermore dodecanol, mono- and sesquiterpenes: including, among others, alpha-pinene, caryophyllene, additionally also 2-methyl-3-but-3-en-2-ol." [PDR] "Volatile oils (0.05–0.9%) Major component (not less than 30%) is methyl-2-octane (saturated hydrocarbon); others include nnonane and traces of methyl-2-decane and n-undecane (saturated hydrocarbons; Brondz et al 1983), α- and β-pinene, α- terpineol, geraniol, and traces of myrcene and limonene (monoterpenes), caryophyllene and humulene (sesquiterpenes) (Mathis & Ourisson 1964a, b)" [Barnes,2001]
"Because of its high a-pinene content we recommend that oxidation of St. John’s Wort oil is avoided by storage in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. The addition of an antioxidant to preparations containing it is recommended." [Tisserand EOS]
Adverse skin reactions: Autoxidation products of a-pinene and can cause skin sensitization. [Tisserand EOS]
"The plant contains hypericin, which can be powerfully photoactive when ingested (Traynor et al 2005). However, this large molecule is not present in the distilled oil. Limited availability. Indian and Canadian oils may be different in composition." [Tisserand EOS]
"It was reported
that foliar levels of hypericin are three to four times higher in the narrow
level (in var. angustifolium) than in the round leaned (in var. parforatum).
Hypericin levels also varied widely within plants and were found higher in the
flowers, seed capsules, and upper leaves than in the stems or basal foliage." [Singh HNDP]
H. perforatum; "In general, the Pacific Northwest populations
reported in this study have greater range of variation [the pseudohypericin to hypericin
ratio] than the populations reported in previous
studies. This finding might suggest that the differences in the Pacific Northwest could be due
to genetic, environmental, or physiological differences, or a combination of all three." [Sirvent&Walker]
"Some individuals of the
species Hypericum perforatum display exceedingly high concentrations of molybdenum." [Shkolnik TEP]
Antidepressant activity
"Historically, hypericin was thought to have a weak MAO inhibitor effect. However, recent literature suggests hypericin is devoid of MAO inhibitory activity (Bladt, 1994).More recent studies have indicated that the antidepressive effect may be largely due to the ability of the herb to inhibit the reuptake of serotonin and other neurotransmitters. The activity of the herb could be attributable to the combined contribution of several mechanisms, each one too weak by itself to account for the overall effect (Bennett, 1998). A study concluded that hydroalcoholic hypericum extract inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine with similar affinities, which leads to a significant down-regulation of cortical beta- adrenoceptors and serotonin (5HT-2) receptors. This data suggested hyperforin is the active principle of hypericum extracts in biochemical models of antidepressant activity (Muller, 1998). The antidepressive action not only results from the effect on adrenergic transmitter systems (norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin), but also from an endocrine effect (melatonin)." [PDR]
Antimicrobial activity
"Methanol-acetone extracts from aerial parts of seven entities of the genus Hypericum growing in central Italy were tested in vitro for their antimicrobial activity. Two H. perforatum subspecies were particularly active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The results suggested that hypericin and hyperforin are the main components responsible for antimicrobial activity, but not the only ones [18]." [PlantMed]
"The antibacterial activity of SJW was higher when the herbs were collected in August compared to July [23], reflecting the increase in hyperforin content with fructification. Phloroglucinols and naphthodianthrones are the most important antibacterial components while flavonoids seem to be inactive [24]. Hence, lipophilic formulations are more effective than hydrophilic ones [25],[26]. The exact composition of oils and creams does, however, not seem to be very critical [10], and activity against gram-positive bacteria was even reported for hydrous SJW teas [27]. A comparison of SJW extract with its purified fractions containing hyperforin, hypericin, and pseudohypericin revealed that the extract inhibited growth of mycobacteria more effectively than the isolated components, indicating synergistic effects [28]."[PlantMed]
"According to Peeva-Naumovska et al. [29] a lipophilic Hypericum ointment for vaginal application was active against a number of bacteria but not Lactobacillus acidophilus which is part of the natural vaginal flora." [PlantMed]
Antiviral activity
"Antiviral activity of several Hypericum constituents against many forms of viruses in vitro has been demonstrated over the last 40 years, including herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 [12]. Hypericin and some of its derivatives (“hypericins”), particularly when activated by light, are effective against enveloped viruses but not non-enveloped, probably by inhibiting budding of new virions, cross-linking of capsids preventing uncoating, inhibition of protein kinase required for viral replication, and inhibition of their ability to fuse with cell membranes [31],[32]."[PlantMed] "in the study by Andersen et al. (1991) where hypericin and emodin isolated from Hypericum perforatum were inhibitory against vesicular stomatitis virus, herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, parainfluenza virus, and vaccinia virus, thus being a good case in mind to argue for more broad-based extensive screening of potential antiviral metabolites against a wide array of viruses." [Rankovic] "Antiviral activity has been reported for hypericin against HIV and hepatitis C (Anon 1995,a b)." [Barnes,2001]
Herpes simplex: "Treatment of herpes simplex with SJW makes use of the ability of hypericins to inhibit protein kinase C and thus suppress viral replication, especially when combined with UV or visible light. However, clinical efficacy against herpes simplex 1 and 2 (herpes labialis and genitalis) has also been reported for oral administration of 900–1800mg of a 70% ethanolic SJW extract as used in treatment of depression. Two independent double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled studies with 94 and 110 patients, respectively, demonstrated highly significant differences in symptom scores (subjective symptoms like pain and itching, number of blisters, and size of affected area). Unfortunately, the results have only been published in abstract form ([89] LOE: 2b)."[PlantMed]
Antifungal: Shoot - Methanolic extract 100 ppm-MFC Vs. A. candida[Antifungal]
Antioxidant The antioxidant effects of hydroalcoholic SJW extracts are not surprising since they contain up to 10% flavonoids which are well-known antioxidants. Polyphenol-rich Hypericum species all display pronounced antioxidant properties [41], [42].[PlantMed]
Wound healing
The clinical rationale for SJW treatment of wounds results from its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities, and from stimulation of fibroblast motility, collagen production, and keratinocyte differentiation. Oils and other formulations containing hyperforin and hypericin or their derivatives are appropriate for application on scratches, abrasions, burns, and ulcers. Although blunt traumata like contusions and myalgia are mentioned as traditional indications [2], no studies have been performed in these indications with topical formulations, but some data is available for burns, decubitus, and surgical wounds.[PlantMed]
"Oily Hypericum preparations demonstrate an anti-inflammatory action due to their high flavonoid content." [PDR]
"The main active principles of the herb are the flavone and flavonol derivatives, xanthones and naphthodianthrone (hypericins). A mild antidepressant, sedative and anxiolytic action of the herb and its preparations has been documented in clinical studies." [PDR]
"Although hypericum is not as strong as synthetic MAOIs, patients should still avoid the things usually avoided: high tyramine foods (smoked or pickled), alcoholic beverages, amphetamines, cold and hay fever remedies, narcotics, tryptophan, and tyrosine (I no longer believe this caveat is desirable)." [HMH Duke]
"Although there was an initial report in 1984 that hypericin in Hypericum perforatum was a MAOI, subsequent tests by other researchers were unable to confirm this. Recent studies have shown H. perforatum extract to only exhibit MAOI action when it is of weak purity and contains a high concentration of flavonoids. (Since pure hypericin does not seem to show the MAOI effect, one would suspect that it may be the flavonoids that have a slight MAOI effect, rather than the primary active ingredient.) It has been pointed out that “St. John’s wort may possess a mild, low-grade MAOI effect, but this inhibition is not sufficient to explain its antidepressant effect. This is important news. Because St. John’s wort does not function as a MAOI, one does not need to follow any dietary restrictions” (KNISHINSKY 1998)." [AyahuascaAnalogues]
"Small amounts of hypericin are tonic and tranquilizing in humans (CAN)." [HMH Duke]
"With rats the IC50 was only 6.2 µg/ml for inhibiting synaptosomal serotonin uptake (consistent with doses of 900 mg extract in humans)." [HMH Duke]
"Phototoxic reactions occur in some patients with AIDS given ivn injections of 30–40 mg hypericin. “Not suitable for use as daily sedatives of sleep aids. Preparations are no more effective than synthetic antidepressants,” but they are extremely well tolerated by the patients." [HMH Duke]
"In observational studies or >3000 cases, there is ca. a 3% incidence of minor side effects, cf 10–25% with modern nontricyclic antidepressants (SHT)." [HMH Duke]
"In Germany, the costs are about equal (tricyclics = 0.75 a day, hypericum 0.80 a day, cf $2.25 for nontricyclic antidepressants (SHT)." [HMH Duke]
"The exact constituents responsible for the effects of
Hypericum remain unclear. The absorption of hyperforin is relatively slow with mean peak plasma concentrations of about 150 ng/mL occurring within 31 /2 hours
after ingestion.21,24 In a study of 12 healthy male volunteers ingesting a single dose of 1,800 mg dried hypericum extract containing 1.5 mg hypericin, the median
peak concentration of hypericin was approximately
14 ng/mL and occurred about 21 /2 hours after the ingestion.25 The equivalent dose of pseudohypericin in the 1,800 mg dose of hypericum extract was about 3.2 mg,
and the median peak pseudohypericin concentration of
30.6 ng/mL occurred approximately 1/2 hour after ingestion. The estimated bioavailability of hypericin and
pseudohypericin in hypericum extract is approximately
15 – 20%.26" [TNS]
"The elimination of both hypericin and hyperforin is
relatively slow. In a study of 13 healthy volunteers
administered 0.75 mg hypericin and about 1.6 mg pseudohypericin, the median elimination half - lives were
approximately 43 hours and 25 hours, respectively.27
After a single therapeutic dose of hypericin, pseudohypericin, and hyperforin, the mean elimination half - lives
in 18 healthy volunteers were 18.71 hours, 17.19 hours,
and 17.47 hours, respectively.28" [TNS]
"Easily grown in any reasonably good well-drained but moisture retentive soil[1]. Succeeds in dry soils[238]. Plants grow well in sun or semi-shade but they flower better when in a sunny position[200]. St. John's wort is often found as a weed in the garden[1]. It grows well in the summer meadow and is a useful plant for attracting insects[24]. The whole plant, especially when in bloom, gives off a most unpleasant smell when handled[245]. Hypericum perforatum is apparently an allotetraploid that would appear to have arisen from a cross between two diploid taxa, viz. H. maculatum subsp. maculatum (Europe to western Siberia) and H. attenuatum (western Siberia to China)[266]." [PFAF]
"The harvested material should be dried rapidly but carefully to preserve the content of the secretory glands.
The drying temperature should not exceed 30-40°C. The key constituents of SJW (see
Sect. 2.2.4) are most concentrated in the buds, flowers, and distal leaves, so the pharmaceutical and therapeutic quality of the extracts is highly dependent on the quality of
the original herbal material. " [Schulz RP] Only the flower buds, flowers, and the upper part of the stem with branches and leaves
have a high content of anthrones. Therefore, when harvesting, the lack of fruits, seeds,
and woody stems (lower part) should be taken into account to ensure the pharmaceutical quality (min. 0.04 % hypericin) of the raw material used for extraction. [Grosso HMD]
Alleleopathic vs. Amaranthus retroflexus and Portulaca oleraceae Azizi and Fuji (2005) [Cheema Alleleopathy]
"Seed - sow in a greenhouse as soon as it is ripe in the autumn or in the spring. It normally germinates in 1 - 3 months at 10°c. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when they are large enough to handle and plant them out into their permanent positions in the summer. Division in spring or autumn[111, 238]. Very easy, larger clumps can be replanted direct into their permanent positions, though it is best to pot up smaller clumps and grow them on in a cold frame until they are rooting well. Plant them out in the spring." [PFAF]
HYPERICUM - St. John's Wort
Hypericaceae - St. John's Wort Family
Annual to shrub, glabrous. Leaf: sessile Inflorescence: generally terminal cymes, bracted. Flower: sepals [4]5; petals [4]5, deciduous or persistent, generally ± yellow; anthers occasionally black-dotted; ovary chambers 1 or 3(5), placentas 3(5), axile or parietal, projecting into chamber.
± 450 species: worldwide. (Greek name) [Robson 2002 Bull Nat Hist Mus London, Bot 32:61–123][Jepson]
Local Species;
Hypericum anagalloides - Bog St. John's-wort [E-flora][PCBC][TSFTK]
Hypericum androsaemum - tutsan [E-flora]
Hypericum majus - large Canadian St. John's-wort [E-flora]
Hypericum perforatum - common St. John's-wort [E-flora][PCBC][TSFTK]
H.androsaemum; "Moist meadows, ditches and thickets in the lowland zone; rare in SW BC, known only from the lower Fraser Valley; introduced from Europe." [IFBC-E-flora]
H.scouleri "Moist to wet streamsides, estuaries, marshes and open slopes in all zones except the alpine and steppe zones; infrequent in S BC; S to WY, CA and MX." [IFBC-E-flora]
H. anagalloides; "Moist to wet bogs, ditches and lawns in the lowland zone; frequent in SW BC; S to MT, CA and MX." [IFBC-E-flora]
H.majus "Moist to wet waste places, vernal pools, gravelly shorelines and tidal shores in the lowland zone; rare in SW and SC BC; E to NF and S to DE, PA, NE, CO and WA." [IFBC-E-flora]
Hypericum androsaemum - Tutsan
"Hypericum androsaemum is a deciduous Shrub growing to 1 m (3ft 3in) by 1 m (3ft 3in) at a fast rate.
It is hardy to zone (UK) 6. It is in flower from Jun to August, and the seeds ripen from Aug to September. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects, self.The plant is self-fertile."
"Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very acid and very alkaline soils.
It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It prefers dry or moist soil and can tolerate drought. The plant can tolerates strong winds but not maritime exposure."[PFAF-2]
"(Hypericum androsaemum) The black berries are
often viewed with suspicion by country people. In the
Hebrides, for example, they say that if you eat them,
you will go mad (Murdoch McNeill)....Actually, the leaves
do have antiseptic properties, and they were certainly
used to cover open flesh wounds before bandaging
became common (Genders. 1971)." Gerard "...recommended it
for burns and there are other ailments that have been
treated externally by either the leaves or roots in
some kind of ointment."
"When dried, the leaves have a very sweet smell,
likened to ambergris....Incidentally, you can put them amongst
clothes, too, to keep moths away (Genders. 1976)." [DPL Watts]
External Usage
Leaves - Ointment made with lard. Applied to cuts, wounds and carbuncles. Leaves are antiseptic. Used to bandage wounds. Recommended for many external applications including burns and chilblains. [DPL Watts] The leaves are diuretic, stomachic and vulnerary[61, 186]. [PFAF-2] Root - The boiled root can also be used in a similar manner to the leaves.[DPL Watts] Seed - Gerard recommended two drams of the powdered seed drunk to purge cholericke excrements as a remedy for sciatica. Water was to be drunk for a day or two following treatment.[DPL Watts] Black Berries - Apparently if you eat them you will go mad. As it resembles blood, according to the doctrine of signatures it is applied to bleeding wounds.[DPL Watts]
Other Uses
Groundcover: "A good ground cover plant[208]. Although it is clump forming rather than spreading it increases freely by self-sowing[186, 200]. Plants are best spaced about 90cm apart each way[208]." [PFAF-2]
Uses of Various Species
St John’s-wort - H. perforatum, H. tetrapterum, H. humifusum, H. pulchrum and H. elodes.[MPFT]
All five species have been used for similar purposes in Britain.
"Most applications have arisen from its astringency and
power to staunch bleeding. H. pulchrum has
also shared with H. humifusum a role in curing stomach upsets. An infusion
of ‘St John’s-wort’ (species unstated) has also served as an old rustic remedy,
in an unidentified part of England, for enuresis in children or the aged.12
Hypericum pulchrum has been widely in use for low spirits, nervousness and as a general
tonic. St John’s-wort used for healing fractures and sprains—in
the manner of comfrey (Symphytum officinale) and royal fern (Osmunda
regalis); Hypericum perforatum has been used for those in Somerset, H. pulchrum in the Highlands and, mixed with goldenrod and heath speedwell, on
"When cut and bruised, a resin-like substance can be extracted and has been applied as a protective coating to various afflictions such as burns, and bed sores. Used for warts. An infusion for coughs or catarrh and to make hair grow."
"Hypericum elodes was employed as a cure for diarrhoea. Boiled in milk as a highly effective astringent for fluxes in general.27 Hypericum elodes has been specifically mentioned for diarrhoea in cows. Two further, but vague uses of St
John’s-wort in the collective sense have been to cure ‘gravel’ andjaundice."[MPFT]
Hypericum Sp.
"In contrast to tutsan (Hypericum androsaemum), which is sufficiently different in appearance to have probably always enjoyed a place of its own in folk
medicine, the five other species of the genus Hypericum that have been identified botanically as in use in Britain or Ireland are on record for such broadly
similar purposes as to suggest that no distinction has been made between
them. They are therefore treated here as if they constituted a single entity. It
is nevertheless worth noting that whereas ‘St John’s-wort’ over much of lowland England is H. perforatum, in the regions to the north and west that name
is borne largely or wholly by its more slender relation, H. pulchrum. " [MPFT]
Adams et al., 2009 - Medicinal herbs for the treatment of rheumatic disorders—A survey of European herbals from the 16th and 17th century, Michael Adams, Caroline Berset, Michael Kessler, Matthias Hamburger, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 121 (2009) 343–359
Barnes,2001 - St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.): a review of its chemistry, pharmacology and clinical properties, Joanne Barnes, Linda A. Anderson and J. David Phillipson, JPP 2001, 53: 583–600
[Antifungal] Antifungal Plants of Iran: An Insight into Ecology, Chemistry, and Molecular Biology, Mehdi Razzaghi-Abyaneh, Masoomeh Shams-Ghahfarokhi and Mahendra Rai, Antifungal Metabolites from Plants, 2013
[PlantMed] Topical Application of St. Johnʼs Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Ute Wölfle, Günter Seelinger, Christoph M. Schempp, Planta Med 2014; 80(02/03): 109-120
Sirvent&Walker - VARIATION IN HYPERICINS FROM WILD POPULATIONS OF HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L. IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST THE U.S.A., Tara M. Sirvent, Loren Walker, Nan Vance, and Donna M. Gibson, Economic Botany 56(1) pp. 41-48. 2002