Heracleum sphondylium subsp. montanum (Schleich. ex Gaudin) Briq. [E-flora]
Heracleum sphondylium var. lanatum (Michx.) Dorn [E-flora]
General Perennial.[IFBC][E-flora][WildPNW] 3-10ft tall. Robust. Covered with long hairs.[WildPNW] Very Large.[PCBC2004] Flowers "White, small; numerous, in a large, flat-topped, terminal umbrella-like cluster". [PCBC2004] "Umbels of flower heads often more than 10 in. across, flat."[WildPNW] Involucre bracts 5-10, deciduous, narrow, 5-20 mm long..."[Ganders][E-flora] Fruits Aromatic, sunflower-seed-like. [PCBC2004] obvate to heart-shaped, narrowed toward base.[Ganders][E-flora] Leaves Maple-like. Leaf blade divided palmately into 3 parts[WildPNW], each "10-40 cm long and wide, coarsely toothed and palmately lobed".[PCBC2004] Usually hairy.[Ganders][E-flora] Stem 1-3m. tall, thick, hollow, and strongly ribbed. [HNW] Root "Stout taproot or cluster of fleshy fibrous roots".[PCBC2004] Properties "Strong pungent odour when mature." [PCBC2004] There is hot, yellow latex in the stem.[PDR] Habitat Wet to moist areas.[E-flora] Robust plants of moist habitats, especially near the coast. [PWOBC] Sea level to subalpine elevation.[PCBC2004] Often along streams.[HNW] Range Common throughout B.C.[E-flora] Widespread in North America.[Hitchcock&cronquist] Status Native.[E-flora] Similar Species "giant cow-parsnip (Heracleum mantegazzianum), also called giant hogweed), a huge (1.5-4.5 m tall) garden escapee that can cause acute phototoxicity." [PCBC2004] "In southwestern BC, cow parsnip is most easily confused with smaller plants of giant hogweed", "but may be separated from that species by its generally smaller size, leaf shape (it sports 3 distinct leaflets), and fruit shape." [E-flora]
The sap and outer hairs [Schofield] contain furanocoumarins, causing sensitivity to light. Severe dermatitis can result. [Schofield][HMH Duke] phototoxic effects can occur following contact with the freshly bruised plant.[PDR]
"Many members of this genus, including this species[65], contain furanocoumarins. These have carcinogenic, mutagenic and phototoxic properties. The fresh foliage can cause dermatitis[21]. If the juice and hairs of the outer skin are left on the face and mouth, they can cause blisters[212]. This effect is especially prevalent for people with fair complexions[256]." [PFAF]
Dogs are also susceptible to the toxin and may develop red sores and lose patches of hair.[Schofield]
"Since the root and seeds contain rather potent sterols and saponins, do not take during pregnancy without medical approval." [Schofield]
Cow-Parsnip has been probably the most intensively used springtime green vegetable among Canadian Indigenous Peoples and their neighbors. [Turner, Kuhnlein]
Food Preparation: "The leaves are used as a covering for baskets of fruit etc[99]." [PFAF]
Buds: After their outer covering was peeled, they were steamed as a potherb. Spring to early summer. [Schofield]
Flowers: "Young flowers[46, 61, 105]. No further details." [PFAF]
Leaves: Very young leaves can be boiled in changes of water and served as a vegetable or soup ingredient. Burned, the leaves are said to yield a salt substitute. Spring to early summer. [Schofield]
Roots: Possibly edible. [Turner, Kuhnlein][Schofield][PFAF][Harrington] Cooked. [2, 46, 85, 94][PFAF] very pungent and strong tasting.[Turner, Kuhnlein] "Tastes like a swede[155, 183]. Used like potatoes....[213]" [PFAF] Alaskan species are not palatable.[Schofield] May be poisonous. [213][PFAF][Harrington]
Seeds: The Sechelt of British Columbia used the seeds for flavoring in winter cooking. [Turner, Kuhnlein] "The dried seeds are used as a flavouring for soups, stews and potato salads[85, 183]." [PFAF] Late summer to early fall. [Schofield]
Stalks: Always peeled. An excellent celery substitute. The peeled, chopped and dried stems are added to soups and seasonings.[Schofield] reputed as a digestive. [MPFT]
Harvesting: Some populations of the plant were said to be better tasting than others. April to June, but always before flowering. [Turner, Kuhnlein]
Preparation: "The peeled stem can be eaten raw but is best cooked[2, 61, 183]. The unpeeled stem can be used when young, or just the inner tissue of older stems can be used, before the plants flower[85, 94]."[PFAF] "For people not used to the flavour, they are best cooked in two changes of water when they make a tasty celery-like vegetable[213]." [PFAF][Harrington]
Product: "Another report says that, despite the strong odour of the leaves and outer skin, the peeled young stems are mild and sweet, resembling celery in flavour[256]. The stems cannot be eaten raw in large quantities because they give a burning sensation in the mouth[257]. The stems are highly nutritious, containing up to 18% protein[213]." [PFAF]
Plant: In the Western Carpathians (Rabka) Heracleum sphondylium was used to make soup, until the 20th century. Green parts, as famine vegetable and soup before World War I. [Luczaj Poland]
Salt: The base of the plant is said to have been used as a substitute for salt.[Harrington]
Young Stems & Leafstalks: Raw or boiled, with a rather strong peppery taste.[Turner&Bell]
Other Uses
Dye: "A yellow dye is obtained from the roots[257]." [PFAF]
Hair Lotion: The Island Salish made a hair lotion by mixing the roasted and pounded roots with dogfish oil. This was said to make the hair grow long. [Turner&Bell1]
Repellant: "An infusion of the blossoms, rubbed on the body, repels flies and mosquitoes[257]." [PFAF]
Tool: "Whistles, flutes, straws etc can be made from the hollow stems[99, 257]." [PFAF]
Medicinal Uses
"Cow parsnip was widely employed medicinally by a large number of native North American Indian tribes who used it to treat a wide variety of complaints, but especially as a poultice on bruises, sores etc[257]. It is little used in modern herbalism, though perhaps it merits further investigation." [PFAF]
The medicinal parts are the dried roots, the herb collected in the flowering season and dried, the fruit, the fresh herb and the whole fresh flowering plant.[PDR]
Fresh Young Stems: "An infusion has been used in the treatment of diarrhoea[257]. It has also been used as a wash to remove warts[257]." [PFAF]
Tonic[257]. They have been used in the treatment of colds[257]. A soothing drink made from the leaves is used to treat sore throats[257].[PFAF][Schofield]
Poultice: A poultice of the heated leaves has been applied to minor cuts, sore muscles etc[257]. [PFAF][Schofield]
Plant: "Has been used in the treatment of epilepsy[213]." [PFAF]
Seeds & Roots: I use cow parsnip seeds and roots in liniments for aches and pains, as well as in tinctures for settling upset stomach and relieving gas pains. [Schofield] "The seeds are roots have been boiled and the liquid drunk for jaundice and other liver troubles." In Norfolk, hogweed juice has featured as a wart cure.[MPFT]
Roots: The roots have been used to control epilepsy, and appear to be somewhat stimulative and carminative (6,39). [Krochmal]
"A tea is used in the treatment of indigestion, colds, stomach cramps, rheumatism, sore throats, TB etc[222, 257]. Externally, the root is used as a poultice on sores, bruises, swellings, boils, rheumatic joints, VD scabs etc, whilst a bit of root has been held on an aching tooth to reduce the pain[222, 257]. The root can be crushed, mixed with water and used as an antidandruff hair wash[257]." [PFAF] A strong tea is made from the dry or wilted roots and poured into the bath water of a recently paralyzed person. This is repeated once a day until some nerve function has returned or the therapy has brought no apparent relief." [Schofield]
"To make an infusion, add 3 teaspoonfuls of herb to 2 glasses of cold water and allow to draw for 8 hours." Drunk throughout the day.[PDR]
Outer Inlet Dena'ina Athabascans place hot roots on toothaches to deaden the nerves. Roots are burned as incense to ward off illness. Upper Inlet people place small pieces of cow parsnip root in meat to worm dogs. [Schofield]
Seeds: "Has been used to treat severe headaches[257]." [PFAF]
Seasickness: I'm currently experimenting with seeds in blends for seasickness. [Schofield]
Food Use
Fermented Dish: In Slavic countries it was once a staple vegetable; traditionally it was the main ingredient of borscht. And it was lacto-fermented, which is what i do. I chopped up the leaves and stems, placed them in a canning jar and covered them with a salty brine solution: in 1 liter of water i dissolved 2 tablespoons of sea salt (using more salt slows down the fermentation process). The jar is capped loosely so air bubbles can escape. Left at room temperature, it will probably become alive in a few days.[WPF.com]
Stalks: The peeled stalks formerly were "a part of everyone's diet and were stored in quantity for winter use. The new stems were picked, peeled and packed away in grease. The fresh stems will "burn the lips so you eat them with the lips puckered." A number of the women thought that the local plants "need to be picked" as it is remembered that when the plants were regularly harvested they grew much taller. The plants are found in large colonies throughout the area in wet, open places..." [Norton KaigHaida]
Young Leafstalks & Flower Budstalks: Both the young leafstalks and the flower budstalks were eaten. [Turner, Kuhnlein]
Preparation: Prepared in different ways, the leafstalks usually being split down the length, opened up, and the edible part broken away from the fibrous outer part, and the budstalks simply being peeled. Eaten raw, with some type of oil, or with sugar. The stalks were sometimes roasted in the fire or on hot coals before being peeled and eaten. Sometimes boiled with meat or fish in soups and stews. Some groups dried the split stems for year-round use. The peeled stalks sometimes stored in oil or cut into pieces and dipped in blood to be stored for use in soup and broths.[Turner, Kuhnlein]
Hunting Bundle: A deer charm. Handled only by the hunter, it's hung and smudged for four days after the deer is killed. The seeds were also used to ward away bad luck and restrictions such as fasting from the meat were imposed during this time. Wild ginger root is boiled with deer meat to remove the hunting charm. [HuronSmith Menomini] When the plant was thrown on a fire, the odor permeated the air for great distances.[UAPDS]
Ascorbic Acid - 60mg per 100g of edible portion.(Keely et al.) [Norton KaigHaida]
Furocoumarins (0.5-0.6%): in particular bergaptene, isopimpinellin, pimpinellin, isobergaptene, sphondin [PDR] The furocoumarin methoxsalin is used in the treatment of psoriasis.[PDR]
Psoralen - In the root. It is being investigated for its use in the treatment of psoriasis, leukaemia and AIDS[222]. [PFAF]
Volatile oil: including those containing n-octylacetate [PDR]
"Succeeds in any ordinary garden soil, doing best in moist soils or deep woodland[1, 55, 60]."[PFAF]
Propagate by seed or root division and plant in a sunny location in moist soil. [Schofield] "Seed - sow mid to late spring or early autumn in situ. Division in autumn."[PFAF]
Uses of Other Related Sp.
Heracleum mantegazzianum (Giant Hogweed) - "A courser and taller species has escaped from cultivation and beecome established on the Olympic Peninsula."[HNW]
Harrington - Edible Native Plants of The Rocky Mountains, H. D. Harrington, University of New Mexico Press
HuronSmith Menomini - Ethnobotany of the Menomini Indians, Huron H. Smith, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, Vol. 4, No.1, December 10, 1923
Krochmal - Useful Native Plants in the American Southwestern Deserts, A. KROCHMAL, S. PAUR AND P. DUISBERG
Luczaj Poland - Archival data on wild food plants used in Poland in 1948, ?ukasz ?uczaj, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2008
Schofield - Schofield. J. J. Discovering Wild Plants, 1989, Alaska Northwest Books
Turner&Bell - The Ethnobotany of the Coast Salish Indians of Vancouver Island, Nancy Chapman Turner & Marcus A. M. Bell, Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Submitted for publication 9 June 1969.