Bjerkandera Sp. - Smoky polypore

"Bjerkandera adusta forms flat or shelflike, often overlapping, tough fruitbodies with smoke gray tubes and small, angular dark smoky gray or blackish pores. The surface of the caps is tomentose to somewhat hairy, cream to butterscotch in color, and not distinctly zoned. It is frequent on decaying hardwood logs and woody materials, rarely on conifers. Bjerkandera fumosa occurs on similar substrates in our area. It differs from B. adusta by having thicker flesh and buff to pale smoky gray pores and a dark line above the base of the tubes (cut through fruitbody). Both these fungi could be mistaken for species of Stereum or Trametes. The former, however, have a smooth surface under the cap, while the latter have white to pale gray pores and their caps are more or less zonate." [Trudell MPNW]

Bjerkandera Adusta

"Unequivocally inedible" [MushDemyst]

"HABITAT: On dead hardwoods (or rarely conifers), usually in dense, overlapping or fused clusters; widely distributed. It is fairly common in our area throughout the mush- room season, but not nearly as abundant as T. versicolor. It produces a general deligni- fying decay of the sapwood, giving it a whitish-flecked appearance." [MushDemyst]


Versatile peroxidases - Bjerkandera adjusta and B. fumosa - "Versatile Peroxidases are glycoproteins with hybrid properties capable of oxidizing substrates of other peroxidases like LiPs and MnPs. VPs form an attractive ligninolytic enzyme group due to their dual oxidative ability to oxidize Mn (II) and other phenolic and non-phenolic aromatic compounds. VPs can oxidize substrates of both high and low redox potentials." [Li BM]

Similar Species

Datronia mollis - "Formerly known as Trametes mollis and Daedalea mollis, this small, nondescript hardwood-lover is best recognized by its thin, tough, velvety cap and grayish to brown, slotlike pores.... It is most likely to be confused with Bjerkandera species, but has larger pores and a thinner cap." [MushDemyst]


"Since the earlier studies with P. chrysosporium, other white-rot fungi, such as Trametes versicolor and Bjerkandera sp., have been evaluated and show promise for their ability to degrade PAHs to CO2 more rapidly than P. chrysosporium (Field et al.y 1992)" [Crawford PBio]

"Bjerkandera sp. strain BOS55 removed 38.5% of benzo[a]pyrene from soil after 56 days of incubation (Field et al., 1994). However, the anthracene biodegradation rate was not repressed by nitrogen levels when Bjerkandera sp. BOS55 was grown on a glucose-BII medium (Field et al., 1994)." [Gadd FB]

"Bjerkandera sp. strain BOS55 was able to metabolize three- and four-ring PAHs in solvent extracts of polluted soil (Field et al., 1996a). The high-molecular-weight PAHs (Wve and six aromatic rings) were poorly degraded, mainly because of the high concentration of the water-miscible solvent acetone, which solubilizes PAHs but is toxic to the fungal cells (Field et al., 1996a)." [Gadd FB]

"The mineralization of benzo[a]pyrene by Bjerkandera sp. more than doubled after the addition of activated sludge (Kotterman et al. 1998)." [Arora FBAF]

Bjerkandera adusta degraded azo dyes (Heinfling et al. (1998)), Phenyl urea herbicides (Khadrani et al. (1999) ), PCBs (Beaudette et al. (1998)), and PAHs (Field et al. (1992); Kotterman et al. (1998a,b)) [Esser AA]

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